


Sunday 10 March 2013

oldenough2burmom: Everyone — after you’re done taking pictures...

Sit down and STFU. Your hypocrisy is showing.

This is to point out the hypocrisy of the people who should know better, but instead they choose to ignore what's right. If you can't understand how people would be FOR a health care system that discriminates based on pre-existing conditions. If you can't understand people who want less government but then want to legislate their religious beliefs to interfere with abortions and gay marriage. If you can't understand the ignorance behind those who say that global warming is a myth cuz they have snow where they live. If the fact that racism, sexism, misogyny and homophobia is still prevalent and still exists to this day blows your mind. If you don't understand why Michael Vick (rightfully so) went to jail for dog fighting, but it's ok for Sarah Palin to hunt on national TV. If people who throw their compostables and recyclables all in the garbage cuz they're too lazy piss you off. If you think that giving tax cuts to the richest 2% of America makes a total of ZERO economic sense. If you can't stand Fox News, the Westboro Baptist Church, National Organization for marriage and the following people: Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Rand Paul, Michelle Bachmann, Sharron Angle, Tucker Carlson, Maggie Gallagher, Brian Brown, Ken Buck, John Boehner, Pat Robertson, Shirley Phelps, Fred Phelps (and co.) and Michael Vick. If you love The Young Turks, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann, Anthony Weiner and Bernie Frank. If you think Meghan McCain should consider becoming a democrat cuz she's just way too awesome to be a republican. If you think Glenn Beck should finally be off the air. If you think violent rhetoric does in fact influence people and should not be allowed on any side. If you think that Politicians should not be bought and should base their decisions on the over-all good of the citizens. If you just outright cannot understand the Republicans and why crazy unreasonable people still get a say in Politics, this place is for you. Although it's more like a stfuconservatives wanna be ;) LOL
I'm a Canadian with a passion for American politics, so I don't know everything about everything. Embarrassingly enough, I know more about American politics than I do my own, I'm working on it though.


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